New forms for the 2023-24

Below are the new forms that are now required by new legislation passed this spring. Each form has a description of what the form is and a statement whether it is per child or per family.

If you are unable to print these forms, please reach out to Brad at or by calling 641-944-5241 x222. Forms can also be picked up in either office.


As a district we have some over-the-counter medications that the nurse keeps in her office. Without this form we can not provide any of the medications listed during the day. The form is needed PER STUDENT ANNUALLY.

This form is required if your child carries medication for the purpose of self-administration to assist with ASTHMA, any AIRWAY CONSTRICTION, or RESPIRATORY DISTRESS. This form is needed PER APPLICABLE STUDENT ANNUALLY.

We the have medication (if the need arises) for life threatening incidents. This includes Epinephrine(Epi) pens and an opioid antagonist (Narcan) This form is needed PER STUDENT ANNUALLY.


This form is two-fold. This form is for students who identify differently than what is on their birth certificate, or those that go by another name that is on their birth certificate. This includes nicknames. This form is needed PER STUDENT AS NEEDED.

This is a voluntary form for you as a parent. This allows the parent to prohibit their child from accessing specific instructional or library materials. This form is needed PER STUDENT AS NEEDED.

We now have to have proof that parents either received a copy or know where a copy of the student handbook is located. There is a link under the parents' tab on our website to either the Elementary or Jr/Sr High Student Handbooks. If a request is made, a paper copy may be provided. This form is needed PER FAMILY ANNUALLY.